Thursday, October 28, 2010

the biggest looser

Biggest looser!!!!
Polokalame E leleli mo oe “ talofa lava.
O le polokame a le TV. I tagata ua lapopoa tele o loo faatauva. E faapea o le tagata lapoa a uma vaaiaso ua uma ona faatapula’aina. O le tagata e tele pauna o lona mamafa ua pau po ua lusi. O le tagata lena e manumalo I se tupe tele lava.
Oute manatua ai le ta’utinoga a le Aposotolo o Paulo o loo tusia ia Filipi. E pei ona sa ia Paulo le mamafa ma le mamalu o tulaga faale tagata. Ae sa faapea le manatu o le Aposetolo.
“ Ia outou I uli, ia outou I e fai galuega leaga, Aua o le au peritomeina I tatou o e e auauna I le Atua ma le loto, ma mitamita ia Iesu ae le o le faatuatua I le tino”.

O faatuatuaga nei o le tino poo le mamafa o le mamalu o tulaga faale lalolagi sa tatau ai ona avea le Aposotolo ma tagata mamafa ma lapoa I faaaloaloga faa le tagata.
O le Peritomeina I le po e valu.
O le itu aiga o Isaraelu.
O le ituaiga o Peniamina
O le Eperu o Eperu / O le Polofesa I tulafono ma tu ma aganuu faa Eperu.
O le tagata tausi I tulafono a Mose
O le Faresaio / tagata taua poo le toeaina taua tele, I le lotu Iutaia
O le tagata talitonu ma taofi mau I le Atua o Isaraelu na ala ai ona faasaua I le Au kerisiano.
O le polofesa I tulafono
E le’I ta’uleaga ao iai I le tulaga faa faresaio.
AE peita’i ua faailoa mai e le Aposetolo
E ui I le tele ma le mamafa o nei faamanuiaga ma tulaga maualuluga I le lotu Iutaia ma le Malo o Isaraelu.
Ae ua ou aveeseina nei mamalu ma lona taua ua ou faale-aogaina fo’i I le ta’ua o au o se tama mamafa.i tu ma aganu’u faa Iutaia.
Ae ua ou faagalo ma tuueseina nei mamalu o na “O le o le silisiliese o le poto o Iesu Keriso”.
Tautino mai e le Aposotolo. “ O lenei oute faagleaogaina I nei mea uma ina ia ou maua Keriso”
A tuu I manatu faa Isaraelu ma faa Faresaio ma Faapeniamina.
Sole ua maumau le tama se vaai I le tele ma le mamafa o lona mamalu e tatau ona ia tau-aveina.
Ua ia le faaaogaina. Ua matu ai faavalevalea tele “What a looser”
Ao tauatau Iesu I le satauro na lulu ulu o tagata Iutaia le au Faresaio ma le au tusiupu.
Sa ulagia ma inosia ma faapea ane “Oka oka se toilalo o lenei Keriso “ what a looser!!!
Faaalia e le Aposotolo “ I manatu a le lalolagi o ia o se tagata toilalo tele. Ae peitai i le silafaga a le ATUA “ O Paulo o se tagata. E maoae lona manumalo. “ The biggest looser of the world however Paul is the biggest winner in Christ
Na faamaina ma faatoilaloina Iesu I luga o le Satauro ina ia avea oe ma tagata silisili lou manumalo. Na tutu’i e Iesu le mamafa o a tatou agasala ina ia avea oe ma a’u o tagata silisili ona manumalo.
O Iesu o le manumalo a le Aposetolo
Talia Iesu e avea ma ou Faaola e te manumalo ai I lenei aso
Ma manatua “ E Lelei Mo Oe”

Le Atua Silisiliese

Ua nao Ieova le Atua Silisiliese:

Na ou faalogologo i se polokalame sa faatalanoaina ai e tagata popoto i talitonuga faa-le-lotu ma le vaega e tatau ai i tagata uma ona talia i so’o se talitonuga, po’o ai lava le atua o le atunuu ia e fetaui ma lana aganuu e talitonu iai. Na manaia felafolafoaiga ona o manatu lelei o nei tagata popoto i le Tusi Paia o le au Kerisiano. Ae faapea ona faaalia manatu popoto o ta’ita’i mai isi talitonuga e faasaga i tusitusiga paia a latou Perofeta.

O le faaletonu i la’u faalogo ona ua pei e lagolagoina le manatu, e faapea o le igoa “Allah” e tutusa lava ma le suafa o Ieova le Atua o le au Kerisiano. O lona uiga ua na’o le eseese lava o igoa, ae o le Atua lava e tasi lea e tapua’i i ai Musalemi ma le au Kerisiano. O lona uiga o le isi suafa o le Atua o Ieova-Allah.

O le upu moni, e pei ona tusia I tala fa’asolopito o le talitonuga faa musalemu O le igoa Allah e afua mai i le upu Arapi “al-ilah” o lona uiga o le tama’i atua. O le na lagolagoina malosi e Mohammed le Perofeta na amataina le talitonuga faa-Isalemi (Islam)

O Alllah na faaigoaina ai le tupua po’o le atua Masina o le au Musalemi. O le faatusa
e faapea na filifili mai e le Perofeta o Mahammed le atua masina lea mai le 360 Jinn- genies idols) po’o tupua atua. Na filifili la na’o le atua masina lea ae faaleaga uma e Mohammed le isi 359 tama’i tupua-atua, ma faatuina ai loa le faatusa o le ata o le “Masina Afa” i le laumua o Mecca lea ua avea nei ma lamua tutotonu o le talitonuga faa-Musalemi, lea e masani ona faasalalau mai i le televise e tele ina maliliu ai tagata e lolofi i ai i aso e fai ai a latou tapuaiga. Aua a oo i le taimi e lolofi ai i le fata faitaulaga o loo tautala mai ai se Perofeta a Allah, e le kea tagata e soli faasoloatoa e tagata e isi tagata.

O lenei le au Kerisiano e, a tatou su’esu’e i Suafa o le Atua i le Tusi Paia, o nisi nei o Suafa o Ieova le Atua o Isaraelu, le Atua o Apereamo le tama o le au faatuatua.

Elohim - Le Atua e Tasi lava ia. El-Shaddai- e silisili ese lona tama-o-aiga. Adonai- Master and Lord. Jehovah–Yahweh - Le Silisili ese. Jehovah-Jareh - Le Atua na te foa’i. Jehovah-Rophe - O le Atua o faamalologa. Jehovah-Nisi - O le tatou fu’a po'o le tagavai ua agiagia. Jehovah-Shalom - O le Filemu. Jehovah-M’kaddesh -O le Atua na te vavaese-ina ma fa’aatoatoaina. Jehovah-Tsidkenu - O le Paia ma le Amiotonu. Jehovah-Roi - Le Leoleo Mamoe. Jehovah-Sahmmah - O le Ta’ita’i au silisili lona malosi. Kadosh - O le Atua e Paia. El-Roi - O le Atua e vaai mai.
Yesha - O le Faaolataga.

Ua fetalai mai le Atua, o A’u nei le Alefa ma le Omeka; o le Amataga ma le Gataaga. O A’u Nei le toetu ma le ola.
Ua na’o Iesu na toe tu mai nai e ua oti, e le pei o Mohammed o lo’o lagomau lava lona tuugamau i Meca i Palesitina.

Ua na’o Iesu e faaolaina ma ola ai le tagata agasala. Ia e talia o ia i lou loto i lenei aso

Ma manatua “E lelei Mo oe”

Povi a le Atua

Povi a le Atua:

O se tala na ou faitau ai e faapea sa i ai se aiga e nonofo i le latou faatoaga. O se aiga e toaaga ma fiafia e o i le lotu. E tele naunau laau aina, i le faatoaga a le aiga lenei. Ae ui lava ina tele isi faamanuiaga i le faatoaga a le aiga e pei o moa ma puaa, ae sa i ai povi e lua a le aiga sa silisili ona fai ma mitamitaga a le aiga e gugutu solo ai le toeaina ma lana fanau i o latou tuaoi ma a latou uo masani. Ona o povi e pei o se masaga e tutusa lanu, tutusa le tino mai ma le puputa ma aulelei o povi e le iloa se eseesega.

Ona o’o lea i se tasi aso sa faapotopoto ai le aiga ona sa faatonu atu e le toeina i lana fanau e omai o lo’o fia talanoa ia i latou uma. Sa fai le latou afiafi faa le aiga e pei ona masani ai le aiga ona o se aiga e mafanafana tele le latou mafutaga. Ina ua uma le lotu o le afiafi a le aiga, o le toeaina ma le fanau ma le tina o le aiga, talanoa loa i le mananaia o povi nei o lo’o i ai i le latou faatoaga.

Faapea mai loa le tama, “Ia faalogo mai outou la’u fanau ma si au ava faapelepeleina.
Ua fai la’u filifiliga ma la’u faasoa i povi e lua, nei o lo’o i le tatou faatoaga. Ou te talitonu fo’i e leai lava se isi o tatou e le o mimita i nei povi. Ia tatou faafetai pea i le Atua aua o ana faamanuiaga uma ia mo le tatou aiga. Ae faalogo mai si ou aiga mitamita i povi e faapena fo’i lou nei tagata ae ua fai lau faaiuga e fatatau i le tatou masaga povi. Ua tasi ai lo’u manatu o le a vavae tutusa a tatou povi, ona e tutusa uma povi e pei ose masaga.

O lea ua ou lagona le musumusuga mai i le Atua, o le a tausi le isi povi mo tatou ae o le a tausi le isi povi mo le Atua. O lona uiga e amata atu i le po lenei, o le povi a le Atua po’o a lava tupe e maua mai i le suasusu ma le aano o le povi a le Atua o le a ave uma i le Atua . Ua fiafia le tina ma le fanau i lenei agaga faau’uina sa i le toeaina ma luelue ulu o lana fanau ma faaalia atu manatu e lagolagoina le faasoa lelei a le toeaina.

E faapea e tasi le vaiaso na soso’o ai ae maua atu e le fanau a le toeina, ua pe le isi povi. Logo loa le toeaina, ona o’o lea i le afiafi o le aso lava lea. e pei o le masani a le aiga, ina ua uma ona fai le lotu ona faapea mai lea o le toeina i lona aiga ma tale tale, ioe! Ma pei e tau le lagona lona leo e pei e lavea se fasi ulu i lona faai. Sa faapea ane ma ona mata faasiasia, tata le gutu ma pupula i lalo o le fola o le fale ma uu lona auvae. “Ose tala faanoanoa mo i tatou i lenei aso e faamalie atu i le tatou aiga “UA PE LE POVI NA VAVAE ESE MO LE ATUA”.

Ioe! O le tasi lea o vaega o le olaga o le tagata Kerisiano e faanoanoa tele ai le Atua.
E faigofie na fai mai o le mea mai le Atua pe afai o lena e te olaola lelei ae vaai atu loa o le a leai sau mea ai pe ua le lava le faasoa, ia galo loa le Atua e afua mai ai mea uma.

Ua faamanatu mai e le Salamo 24:1 - “O le lalolagi ma mea uma o tumu ai o a Ieova ia; o le atu laulau ma e o nonofo ai”

Faafofoga mai tatou, e le’i vaeluaina le finagalo o le Atua ao sauni e maliu mo tagata agasala na tumau ana upu ma tautoga e le’i faafiti lava. O le aiga lea e le’i tapeina e le Atua le povi e tasi lea na ola, sa alofa lava le Atua ma tausi le latou povi e le’i ita le Atua ma tape le povi na totoe, e ui ina ua nonofo ma fai mai e ave i le Atua le povi pe. Ou te talitonu, ana faaola e le aiga lea le povi a le Atua se meamanu ua fanau mai ai se lafu povi e silisili atu nai lo povi e lua.

O se lu’i mo i tatou uma, ia tatou faamuamua le Atua e manuia ai fanau ma aiga ma lou tamaoaiga..E le o faatonu mai le Atua e fasioti lou atalii ma lo’u atalii mo Ia.
Ae ua Ia aioi mai ia tatou talia lona Atalii na maliu e fai ma togiola ina ia maua e oe ma au le ola e faavavau.

Avea Iesu ma ou faatuatuaga i aso uma e te ola fiafia ai ma atili ai ona tele povi o lau lafu povi.

Ma manatua - E Lelei Mo Oe!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


elefane taua’i misa.

Ao ou nofnofo i le potu faatalitali a la’u fomai i se tasi aso.
Ma faitau ma matamata i ata o se mekasini sa i le laulau o le potu faatalitali.
Sa faate’ia lau pupula i se ata o ni elefane se lua.
O loo faafetaui o la muaulu e foliga mai o lo’o tau’ai-misa.
O lalo ifo o le ata o loo tusia ai se fuaiupu faapea.
“ E pau le vaega lea e mafatia i le misa a elefane.
O vao lanu meamata lea e soli i vae o elefane.”
Ua aoao mai e lenei ata le tulaga ua iai tagata o le lalolagi.
E tau’ai misa ta’ita’i o malo e pei Amerika ma Iraq.
Ae mafatia ai le toatele o tagata a lautele o nei atunuu.
Taua’i misa ta’ita’i o le Malo Fiti.
Ae mafatia ai tagata tulaga maualalalo o le atunuu.
I totonu o aiga- E taua’i misa ma feesesea’i ulugalii.
Ae mafatia ai le fanau.
A taua’i misa pule o fale faigaluega.
E mafatia ai tagata fai galuega.
A fetaua’i taitai o Ekalesia.
E mafatia tagata o le Ekalesia.
Na fesili se alii i se toeina “ Pe tatau ona mulimuli ma usita’i lana faifeau?’
Tali le toeaina: “E lelei le mulimuli i le faifeau pe a o mulimuli le faifeau i lona Matai sili”

O le taitai lelei na te faia mea uma e tusa ma lona valaauina e le Atua.
Ae le o le faaaogaina o le Atua e faatino ai mea o loo manao lava ia e fai.

Faatoese ma tatalo i le Atua ia avea oe ma taitai lelei.
Manatua ‘E lelei mo oe.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

True life story Me and My Daddy

True life story about “Rozanne and Daddy”
Hi Family, I just want to share a story about my relationship with my father, and the life I’m living without a father. Well, I was born in the year 1990 at the Middlemore Hospital to a beautiful loving, caring Christian parents. I’m always known as daddy’s girl, spending every time he has free from all the commitments he has committed himself for God’s Kingdom. Praying every day and night to protect my father where he is, where he goes and whatever he does. Asking God to bring him safely home from a long day of work or travelling to Samoa with our senior pastor doing some missionary work or building our new church.
I never told your mother but…
In the year 2001, we were in Samoa for our family Christmas reunion on my father’s side. My father and I were just sitting on the white sandy beaches in Savaii, and a tear dropped from his face. I asked, “Dad why are you crying?” He replied, “I’ve never told your mother this but for 37 years I have been trying to look for my biological father.. Always praying to God for answers, if he’s still alive or dead.” I started to cry, feeling the pain my father had for those 37years of his life trying to look for his father. In the year 2003, we came back to Samoa for some missionary work with our senior pastor and his family. While at the wharf in Salelologa, my father told my mother he wants to go and look for his father. My mother being the stubborn one, replied to him “Ae ua oki lou kama I le kaua, lea le mea ua e koe fia maga’o e koe su’e lou kama I gei kausaga e tolu sefulu fitu na ia tuua ai oulua ma lou tina, o ia ga sola e fai seisi oga aiga I le kaimi ga fanau lou tina ia oe” (Your father must be dead from the war, why would you even think about him and say you want to go and look for him after all these thirty-seven years he left you and your mother.)
My mother’s had soften as she accepted my fathers..
Hearing those words from my own mother’s mouth brought tears to my eyes, and anger thinking how can she say such things like that to my father. A few days later, my mother’s heart had soften as she accepted my father’s request to go on a mission to look for his father. Once again we were at the wharf, all of a sudden my father came running to the car where my mother, my sister and two of my cousins were sleeping and he was leaping for joy and saying “I FOUND MY DAD, I FOUND MY DAD.” Seeing my dad really happy that day was one of the best days of my life. So later on that day we went to the village of Matavai Safune, where we met up with the guy my dad was talking to at the wharf to show us the house where we would find his dad. As we drove up the long driveway, as we turned in my father said “Fa’akali mai kokogu le ka’avale, so’u alu e vaai muamua po’o le fale lea o lo’o gofo iai lo’u tama, ke’I ua kuli kakou I fafo o le nu’u” (Wait here in the car, while I go and see if this is my father’s house first, otherwise they might kick us out of the village.” Two hours later my dad came back with two ladies linking arms, my mother was getting annoyed, thinking who those ladies were with my dad. My dad chuckled and told us to come out of the car to meet our aunties and the rest of the family. Sitting in between my dad and my grandpa was a blessing to have finally met my grandfather, and see a smile on my dad’s face knowing that the missing hole in his heart was filled with joy.
Teardrop came down his cheek and surprisingly
The following year 2004, my father had an accident at a building construction area in Takanini, where he slipped on the wet platform and fell head first to the concrete floors. He was in a coma for a week, visiting him everyday after school lying in his bed can’t move but he can hear what people are saying to him. One night, I read the letter from his dad praying that he gets better and comes and visits him again. As I bent over to kiss him goodnight, I said “I LOVE YOU DADDY”, then a teardrop came down his cheek and surprisingly he squeezed my hand. I ran outside and told my mum and the others about what just happened. The next night, I was really happy to go see my dad, as we drove to the Auckland Hospital my cousins were really quite in the car. Wondering, are they not telling my sister and I something or they just had a long day at work. Sure enough I knew something was wrong when we drove into a different parking space in the back of the hospital. As we walked into a small house, our senior and assistant pastors were all sitting with their hands over their eyes. I started to feel shaky as I moved closer to our family members who were holding each other trying not to cry. At that moment I just wanted to shout “WHERE’S MY DAD, WHERE’S MY DAD”, my mum walked out of the back room, trying to be calm and strong and just hugged my sister and I. She whispered, “YOUR DADDY IS IN A BETTER PLACE, STAY STRONG”. I just stood still and went blank, flashbacks of my father floating in front of my eyes, not even a tear coming down my face. What does this mean? Is it really true?? I asked my mum, to take me where my dad was, and sure enough when I saw my father lying there, paled face not even moving, I just screamed my lungs out crying “DADDY WHY, COME BACK DON’T LEAVE ME”.
The pain of loosing your dad at the age of 12 was really hard..
Family pulling my sister and I away from our father, I wrestled my way back to where my dad was lying. Kneeling beside him holding his hand, our senior pastor came up to me, placed his hand on my shoulder and said “Lila, e leai se aoga e toe tagi I luga o le pusa oti, ua uma le ola o lou Tama. Manatua mea uma na ia faia mo oe ma tausaga na lua mafuta ai. O lo’o iai o ia I le nofoaga o lo’o sili ona manuia o lo’o fa’atali mo’I tatou uma, ia loto tele ma tula’I e tauave ma ave pea le galuega lelei o lou Tama na fai” (Lila, there is no use of crying over your father’s dead body when he is in the coffin. Remember he is now in a better place waiting for all of us to be with him. Be strong and carry on the good work your father has done”. The pain of losing your dad at the age of 12 was really hard, you can’t think straight and sometimes you don’t believe it’s actually true once you’ve actually seen the proof yourself.
My mother
On my father’s 5th year anniversary in the year 2009, I’ve realized I have shut out an important person in my life for 19 years. Yes, it’s my dear mother who I have not made contact with or even tried to build a motherly daughter relationship with. How could I do such a thing? When my dad passed away, yes family were there till they left after we buried him, but my own loving mother was by my side 24/7. She always prays to God, to give me the strength to keep moving on and never to think about what happened 5 years ago. My mother was the person who went out to find a second job just to look after my sister and I. How can I be so selfish to my own mother, the woman who carried me in her womb for 9 months. If she didn’t have the patience to take that last push I wouldn’t even be here today. Thankfully, my mother and I have built a closer relationship getting over the death of our beloved and taking care of our small family.
I love you Dad.
I sometimes wish that my dad was still here so I can say “I LOVE YOU DAD”. We still have the pain of losing a loved one, but in God’s Word, he says “He Is A Father To The Fatherless” and that is so true. No matter how much pain we have in our hearts, we know that our Heavenly Father is always with us and He Will Never Leave Nor Forsake Us. Dad I know your up there watching over us everyday and protecting us from any harm. Thank you so much for everything you have done for us, providing shelter over our heads, the clothes on our backs, the food on the table and the endless love you have shown your family. Love you so much daddy, gone but never forgotten in our hearts. R.I.P Thank you for reading my story

Rozanne Melila Ta'ala
Student Support Advisor (Activities)
Student Experience
Manukau Institute of Technology
Gate 11 North Campus, Otara Road
Phone: (09) 968 8000 extn 7072

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ma'i vasa

Mataupu; ma’i vasa.

Oute manatua le malaga a lau uo faifeau.
Na alu i le motu o Tuvalu.
O le malaga a le faifeau na ia tuua Funafuti mo le motu o Nukulaelae.
Ina ua afa le malaga a le vaa, ua amata fo’i ona sousou le sami.
O le taimi lea ua amata ona ma’i vasa tagata ae tusa ua ta le lua i le vave ao.
Ao faitau le tusi a le faifeau e vaai atu o fetagisi mai se tina ma lana fanau e toa lua .
Na o le tau fai faasuati ma fetagisi.
Na alu atu si faifeau faanonofo lelei i lalo.
Ma alu i le atoa i lalo ma asu ae vai e faa feinu ai le tina ma nai tamaiti.
E faa fa ona momo’e i lalo ma alu a’e i luga le faifeau ma apa vai.
Na manuia ma toafilemu le tina ma si ana fanau.
Ae te’i si faifeau i le miti mai o le tamaloa lapoa o loo ula lana tapaa ma taotooto i tafatafa o le tina.
Ma faasino lona lima i le apafafano ma geno mai e fia inu.
Na toe alu si faifeau i lalo e utu mai le apafafano mo le tamaloa.
Na iloa mulimuli ane e le faifeau O le alii lapoa lea.
O le toalua o le tina ma le tama o tamiti ia na tau faaola e le faifeau.
Ae sa nofonofo lava le lapoa ma taumafa lana tapaa.
O le alii lapoa foi lea O se tasi o alii taua nate faia tonu o le motu na malaga iai le faifeau.
Musumusu atu iai se tasi o tina i le faifeau “E!!!!! ana o au e le maumau iai sou taimi, aua o le masani a si alii le la.”
Tali le faifeau, E le afaina tina o uiga ia o le tala lelei.

Manatua se saunoaga a se tasi o tina lau iloa o le Malo Amerika.
E faapea “O le tauleleia ma le manuia o le atunuu ma ona tagata i au galuega, O lona amataga e le afua mai i le fale paepae ae amata mai i totonu o lou fale.
Ia aua nei pei i tatou o lau tama lapoa lea o lona olaga e nate faia tonu ma tali manao i le nuu ae tuulafoa’i lona aiga.

Tuu atu lou loto ia Iesu i lenei aso.
Ina ia muamua avea oe ma tala lelei i totonu o lou aiga..
Manatua “E lelei mo oe”

Raava agasala

Na lu’i a’u e se tasi o au uo Rusia Ina ia ou faamatalaina ni uiga mata’utia o Ieova le Atua mai le Fegaiga Tuai.
Sa faapea lau uo o le a faapapa iai faititili ma emo o uila e faamatalaina ai le malosi o lou Atua .
Ae na ou faamanatu iai le tala ia Raava.
E tolu mafuaaga faaletonu e faasaga ia Raava e lulu ai ulu o tagata fai mafaufau pe a faatusatusa i le amiotonu a le Atua ma lona filifilia o le nuu o Isaraelu.

Muamua- O Raava O le tagata o nuu Ese.( Gentile)

Lua- O le tagata a nuu o le aai sa mumu ai le afi o le agasala sa leai se faamoemoe e faaolaina.
Na faatonuina e le Atua Iosua ina ia fetuu i le malaia le aai lea o Ieriko ma ia nutipalaina ma e le mafai e se tagata ona toe faatuina.

Lona tolu- O Raava o se fafine talitane (prostitute) faatau lona tino i tupe.
O faiga faa talitane i totonu o Ieriko e lagolagoina i tapuaiga faa Paala le atua o tagata Ieriko i ia onapo.
O lona mata’utia o le Atua Soifua.e iloa i lenei fafine
Aua o loo tusia i le Eperu 11 “O le faatuatua na le oti faatasi ai Raava le faifine talitane ma e na le faalogo, ina ua tali-filemuina e ia e na asiasi i le nuu.”
O se tasi o vaega taua ina ua ou su’esu’e loloto i le igoa o Raava.
O le uiga o le igoa Raava o le wide po’o le lautele. E faamatalaina ai se fanua tele ma lautele.
O le uiga o le igoa o Raava e faamatalaina ai le mat’utia ma le lautele o le Alofa o le Atua Soifua.
O le tala ia Raava e faaalia ai le mata’utia o le alofa o le Atua.
Aua tatou te mautinoa ai e leai se agasala e sili atu lona mata’utia nai lo le mata’utia o le alofa o le Atua.
O lona uiga e mafaia e le Atua ona faamagalo agasala uma.
O le isi lea pa puipui ua le mafai ai ona tatou tatala atu le alofa o le Atua.
I tagata e iai Raava, Aua ua faapea ane tagata kerisiano. E!!! ua malaia ua leai se fofo.
O le au fasi oti tagata, o pa’u mumuku se’i tulou, o olaga faafine ma faaSotoma.
O tagata gaoi, toso teine faamalosi. Ma le toatele ua faatumulia ai le lalolagi.o loo lokaina i le fale puipui.
Ua faapea ane foi tagata lolotu e le faapei matou o tagata amio leaga ia. Ona ua iai le manatu ua mata’utia tele le agasala e le mafai ona faasaoina.
Ae peita’i O le mata’utia o le Atua e silisili lea, Aua e le gata i le faasaoina o Raava le fafine talitane. O le faafine Ese mai le nuu agasala. Ae na toe tatala atu iai le lautele o le alofa tunoa o le Atua Soifua.
Na faaipoipo atu Raava i le tagata o le ituagia o Iuta ma fanau ai Poasa lea na nonofo ma Ruta le fafine Moapi ma fanau ai Opeta le tama o Iese le tama o Tavita le ituaiga lea na fanau mai ai le Mesia. “ E mata’utia E mata’utia E mata’utia lava o Ia” E pei upu o le pese.
Fai mai lau uo Musalemu “Your God is crazy!!” sa ou tali iai “ Yes hes crazy inlove with You.
Afai o faafofoga mai se tina talitane ma latou uma o ola i le loloto o le agasala.
Oute ta’utino atu “E alofa le Atua Soifua ia te oe. Sa teu i le fatu o Iesu oe ao tautau i le Satauro
Talia o Ia i lou loto ma e liliu ese mai le agasala e manuia ma fiafia ai oe e pei o Raava. Manatua “E lelei Mo oe.

Monday, October 18, 2010

O le mea tuai lava

O le mea tuai lava
O le tali masani o aiga o Samoa, Pea vili atu pe vili mai fo’i
A fesili atu “O a mai outou??? Ae pei se tauloto masani le vave oso mai
“ Ia o le mea tuai lava”
Ioe!! E o atu ma o mai ae le suia lava se tali “ O le mea lava e tasi ia poo Samoa ia Samoa!!!
Matou talanoa ma au uo ma taufa’avasega lenei fa’aupuga. Ae maise pea mana’o mai i se tupe

E vavaeina la i vaega e lua.
O le maga muamua o le tauloto “ O le mea tuai lava”
O le mea tuai lava i Samoa.
E nonofo fua i fanua ma fale E le pulea i matou e papalagi Initia ma Saina.
E le leai se tulafono i faiga o fale pe fale o’o, pe fale apa, fale launiu..
E le faasaina le faafagafaoina o meaola ma manulele I o matou aiga ma nuu.
E le pei o outou i Niu Sila e faasa ona fafaga moa ma puaa io outou tuafale.
E tele lava ina maua fua a matou mea ai aano i fua o faatoaga
E ola faasoloatoa io matou lumafale ma tuafale
E le faatapulaaina figota ma ia pea matou o matou te fagogota E pule lava matou
E pule lava matou i le taimi matou te feala ai.e fai a matou feau.
E leai se tagata fia ai aua o lau aganuu e ola fetufaa’i
E lolotu tagata uma
E leai ni tagata gaoi faletupe ma faleoloa vanaga ai le aufaigaluega lava ia.
O faalavelave A e alu atu ma le ietoga e tasi e te toe fo’i mai isi ietoga faaopopo iai mase pusa pisupo.
Oka le manaia “O le mea tuai lava” lona uiga E maoae le manuia o Samoa!!!
Maga lona lua, “ O le mea tuai lava”
Fai mai le matou lo’omatua. Na ta’a volley polo mai lava o talavou o lea lava e ola ai
Na inu pia mai lava i tausaga e tele O lea lava e faavalevalea solo ai.
Na ai tapa’a mai lava o laititi o lea lava e taleuu solo ai ma susunu ai tupe.
Na gaoi ma pepelo mai lava Ia lenei lava e tumau ai
Na paie ma le alu e fai se maumaga ia o lenei lava e ola faasevasevaloaina ai faapenei.
O le matou vaega lea e aafia i le maga lona lua.
E taunuu ai le agaga a le matou loomatua. “ E fia ai le pusi i le ‘ia ae musu e susu vae i le sami”
Faamanatu mai e le Tusi Paia i tagata uma Le fofo o le olaga tuai
“O se ua ia Keriso o le tagata fou ia. Talia Iesu ma ou Faaola
E te maua ai se olaga fou. O le a mafai ai ona sui le tauloto mai i le mea tuai lava.
Ae ua manuia ma fiafia lava matou ia Iesu
Manatua “E lelei M oe.

True story "My dad was in love with another woman"

My Story about “My Mum” O Lou Tina pele (by Nu’usila Luteru)
Na soifua mai lou tina I le aso 12 Aperila 1933. O se tina e tumu I le alofa, onosai, faapalepale, faamaoni, agamalu toe tausaafia. Tusi o Faataoto31 v12 e faapea: “E agalelei o ia ia te ia, ae le agaleaga I aso uma o lona olaga”. Ou te faatusaina I le penina e silisili ona taugata. O lona aso soifua e faamanatu mai ai le ituaiga tina sa iai o ia.
My mum was born on the 12th April 1933. Book of Proverb, Chap 31 v12:”She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life”. She was the mum / wife of Noble Character. She was a lovable and a caring
Na faaipoipo I lo matou tama I le tausaga 1957. E 6 le fanau, 2 tama, 4 teine, peitai na motusia le mafutaga I le tausaga 1973 ina ua toe fai le isi tautoga a tama. Ona agai atu lea o ia ma le fanau I lona nuu ma lona aiga ma nonofo ai ma tausi ai matou uma. E le faalogologotiga, e galue malosi aua le tausiga o lana fanau.
My Dad was in love with another woman
Mum married dad in 1957, and they had 6 beautiful children of 2 boys & 4 girls. Their relationship ended when dad was in love with another woman, whom he is still with until now. Mum headed back to her village and her family where she raised us all by herself. She was a hard working mum, never gave up.
I le tausaga e 1986, na o matou tuua ai Samoa ae agai mai I NZ mo se lumanai manuia o le fanau, e pei ona aumau ai nei I nei atunuu. O se tina e faifanau, toaga I le lotu ma fai le fatuaiga, ao matou feagai ai ma galuega I na aso.
Mum decided to travel to NZ in 1986 for better future & better living. She loved going to church, looking after her grandchilrden while we were working.
70 years of broken hearted ended 2003
Na maliu lou tina ua 70 ona tausaga I le 2003, ao loo nofo toatasi pea o ia. E maliu a ua 3 ana augatupulaga, ma o ina e iloa ai le alofa faamaoni o le Atua ia te ia, ina ua tupu ma ola lona aiga. O ana galuega lelei sa fai o loo teu fatu pea seia oo mai I le aso, ma o le igoa o lou tina o NELE, ma o lona faauigaina o loo taua I lalo.
My mum passed away when she was 70 years old in 2003, while she was still by herself, and she had 3 generations at that time.
Crazy love
Mums names tells it all about her character. I’m still hurting because of my dad and another woman. But my mum had this great courage and a forgiving heart that enable her to live her life regardless of her heart broken circumstances. Sometimes I thought that was crazy love.
My mum’s name was NELE and it’s meant by:
And all her loving and good memories are still treasured in our Hearts.
E le muta, e le gata lona alofa I aso uma.
Thank you very much for reading, hope u enjoy it, God bless!!!! (By Niusila T-Luteru )

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

samoa felanulanua'i

Samoa felanulanu’ai..Polokalame “E lelei M-Oe Talofa lava
Sa talanoa ni tagata popoto ma taumamafa i le faleaiga o Mac Donald. Ae sa mata’ina le toatele o tagata ma lanu o latou o ane faatau i le faleaiga o Mc Donald
Ae o le tele o tagata sa tula’i mai le feesese’ai o laei o tagata o le Pasefika sa pei e iai se lagona a’amu ona o le le fetaui o lanu o laei. Ia e tele lava mafua’aga e ala ai ona faapea le o’ofu lanu eseese o tagata o le Pasefika. Ao talanoa le vaega ma fa’aali manatu.
Ae sa manaia le manatu atamai o le alii Samoa sa faapea ane i ana uo ma inuinu malie lana ipu kofe.
Ma ona foliga filemu ma faalagolago ona lima i luga ole laulau ma pei e musumusu atu i ana uo.
Ma tautala atu e pei ose faamafanafanaga i lona leo malu.
Tout e iloa ea. O Samoa na afua mai ai lanu uma o le lalolagi.
Lanu meamata: O le faaailoga o le ola lelei ma le filemu ma le faamoemoe ola.. faalogo i upu o le pese a Jerome Fanene “We are Samoan” lau fanua lanumeata e ufiufi ai Samoa ( lush n green) e silisili ai Samoa.
Lanu moana: O aso uma lava e lanu moana le lagi lanu moana le sami..e te sivasiva ma faataupati ma tausami lau palusami...E aumai e le va nimonimo le filemu e seasea iai se puao e pupuni ai lona matagofie “because we are people of the sun.
Lanu samasama: O le atata o matou Samoa o tagata fiafia i le ata. O le mea lea e masani ai ona maua le matou agaga. O le Samoa e fiafia e ata i mea valea... Ae leai o Samoa e fiafia lava e ata i le olaga nei o mea lelei ma mea leaga..ia faafetai Iopu faamanatu mai. O le tele o fugalau samsama i Samoa e faailoa a ii le lalolagi o matou o laughing Samoans; aua o le vaila’au lelei mo le tagata uma o le lalolagi.
Lanu moli: Ia ili le foa-foa o le oso ae o le la ma le goto ifo o le la e iloa ai lou ola maloloina..vaai i luga o lou laulau aina o fualaau eseese mai fua o a matou faatoaga e lelei lona natura e leai ni vailaau. O mago ma esi ma talo ma fai kukama pi ma isi fualaau e maua ai vaitamini lelei mole tino maloloina. O Samoa e molemole tino o alii ma tamaita’i e le o le mafuaaga lea ua lolofi atu ai le lalolagi i Samoa e faalanu moli o latou tino i luga o matafaga..
Lanu mumu: O le matou tagavai e e tele lona lanu mumu o le toto ole malosi ma le saili malo e tutusa matou ma Toga o le ala lea matou te fetaua’i ai ae. Ae o le toto o Iesu ua mafai ai ona matou misa ma toe fefaauo ‘ai. O lanu o le alofa.. O Samoa e malosi lana tu ma aga i le alofa.
Lanu viole: O le lanu o le mamalu it u ma aga fa’atupu. E pei ona molilamu e le Ao ole malo Samoa Malietoa Tanumafili le 2 ua tuua le malo mo le isi malo. O Samoa e tupu uma tagata. O matou o Samoa e tau uma o matou aa i aiga tupu.
Lanu paepae: o le filemu.. O le vaa na avatu ai le feau o le talalelei muamua i Samoa “Savali o le filemu” O tagata Pasefika o tagata e fiafia i le filemu. O nei lanu uma e fiafia iai tagata Samoa o lanu ia o loo teuteuina ai le fatu ma le agaga o le TUPU-SILISILI O IESU KERISO.. O lona matagofie lea e laei ai tagata Pasefika.
O lenei le lalolagi.. Ia talia le matou Tupu o Iesu Keriso e avea ma ou faaola ona felanulanua’i ai lea o lou olaga e pei o Samoa. Ma manatua E Lelei Mo Oe.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ds Principles "Diligence Lotomau-atamai'

Diligence: “The D Principles” Lotomau atamai
Diligence is a Skill; its as a diamond inside a person. O le agava’a o se fatu ua toto I totonu o le tagata e pei o le taimane lona aganata ma le taua tele
Diligence; is described as “ a persistence, a hard working effort to do something, o le metotia o le agagava’a e faia se galuega
Persistence; is certainly part of diligence.” IT IS SMART WORKING” not back breaking work but working very smart to get the job done. O le atamai e galue ai ma le mafaufau lelei I le agaga mama
For example. It takes a long time to cut down a tree with a knife..hard worker that takes a lot of time and effort. O le ata e iloa ai O le tagata atamai ma lotomau. E mafaufau I se auala e vave ma faigofie e faatino ai se galuega e faigata ma taugata. O lona uiga e sefe le taimi sefe le tau e faaaluina e faataunu’u ai se galuega. E pei ona iai le faataitaiga o le eseesega o le agaese e tuu ai I lalo le laau ma le iliafi e tuu ai I lalo le laau.
Smart worker; use a chainsaw to cut down a tree only takes few minutes..that is diligence.
Therefore the person who uses the chainsaw is working a lot more smarter than the hard strong working person using the knife or an axe to get the job done.
Smart working; involves careful planning, conscientiousness, thoroughness, pure and right.
PURE AND RIGHT mind is the KEY to diligence.. It is doing things in its purest form.
O le ki tatala o le agaga lotomau atamai o le agaga mama ma le fa’amaoni
Diligence is not just working hard and more smarter but most importantly is doing it in the right way, meaning doing it efficiently, and effectively. E mafai ona galue malosi ae le o faia I le agaga poto ma le amiotonu. O le agaga lelei ma le loto mau atamai e galue lelei ma le faia ia silisili ona lelei ma matagofie toe faamanuiaina.
Doing the job on TIME to the highest standards possible. Regardless of what it demanded or expected.
This means giving your very best in bringing creativity, persistence, and getting other people and outside resources in combine effort to achieve a greater results.
Diligence; is a learnable skill it’s a combination of;
Creative persistence,
smart working effort rightly planned and rightly performed.
Efficiently and effective manner to attain result that is pure and of the highest quality of excellence. O le agava’a ma le agaga tauivi e amata mea ma saili malo I le faia ma uia auala lelei ma le faamaoni a le Atua e fai ai galuega uma.
How can we work diligently?? E faapefea ona tatou galue ma le lotomau-atamai
Diligence is staying a head all the time. O le agaga e vaai mamao I mea uma

( Time management) You will be in control of the situation rather than the situation control you. O lou mata’ituina o le taimi e pule oe I le taimi ae le pule le taimi

Striving to do your very best at all time. Ia faia ma lou malosi atoa

Doing your very best when your boss is not looking. O le galue ma le faamaoni ae maise taimi e le iai le pule e tilotilo atu I au galuega

Eye on quality not quantity. Mata’ituina le anagata o le galuega ae le o le tele ae le lelei ma maualalo lona tau

Mindset is balance in body mind and heart n soul.. (PASSIONATE PERSON) Ia fiafia iai ma le loto atoa

OWNER MINDSET: work as its belongs to you, treat everything as you treated your own. Galue e pei lava o oe e ona le kamupani

Making yourself to become a great asset to your job. Ia galue ina ia avea oe ma aseta taugata I le kamupani

Live , walk , breath and work on biblical principles;( Proverb 13:4 )“ The soul of the diligent is made fat” Ia ola ma galue e iloa atu e tagata lou olaga ua faatino mai ai aoaoga a le Tusi Paia. (Fa’ataoto 13:4)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Alofa tunoa leai se agavaa

O le alofa tunoa e leai sona agava’a.
Polokalame E lelei mo oe Talofa lava.
Ua le ma fa’amatalaina le fa’ateteleina o mala ma puapuaga ua aafia uma ai tagata.
E pei ona tatou iai I lenei seneturi ua tele ina sosola ma le maua ma fa’asalaina tagata
Fai mea leaga ae ua mafatia tele tagata o lo’o taumafai e ola faamaoni ma usiusita’i I tulafono
Mo le lelei o le nonofo ai o tagata I lenei atunu’u ma le lalo lagi atoa.
O tagata gaoi ma fasioti tagata ua saoloto pea. Ua fesiligia e le toatele le mana malosi o le Atua Soifua po’o fea o iai ua le mafai ai ona taofia ma fa’asalaina tagata o lo’o fai pea le agasala ma fa’aleagaina ai tagata o loo faia mea lelei.Ua maliliu tagata lelei I fa’alavelave tutupu mai, E foliga mai ua malaia tagata amio lelei ae tu’usa’oloto tagata agasala.
Ua o’o mai le le mautonu I loto o tagata ua iai le fesili. “O fea ea o iai le Atua??? O ona silafia ea nei mea e tutupu?? “ O ona silafia ea ua maliliu ma tigaina tagata lelei ae o loo saoloto tagata amio leaga?
O le Tusi e 24 a Iopu tatou te maua ai le lagona lea na tali atu Iopu ia Elifasa. “ UA LE LILO TAUSAGA I LE ONA LE MALOSI UMA LAVA, O LENEI SE A LE MEA UA LE ILOA AI ONA ASO E I LATOU UA MASANI MA IA?
Ua si’i tuaoi e nisi, ua latou faoa le lafu mamoe, Ua latou avea le asini a e ua aumatua, ua latou ave le povi al e fafine ua oti lana tane e fai ma mea tu’u fa’a fa’atau.
Ua latou tuleia e ua matitiva mai le ala, Ua lalafi fa’atasi ma e puapuagatia I le nu’u. Ua latou selesele mea e faga a’i a latou manu ma fanau I fanua ‘ese.Ua latou tau le fua o le tovine ua maua I le amio leaga
Ua fa’atalitali tagata mulilulua I le segisegi o lo’o fa’apea ifo e le iloa a’u e se tasi ua ia fa’apea ane e le iloa au e se tagata ma ufiufi ona mata.Ua agaleaga ina faafine pa.Ua tu’ulafoaina e ua oti o latou tane.
O le upu moni o lagona ua iai nei aso I le fa’atetele o le leaga ma le agasala. Na aafia ai fo’i tagata o le Atua I aso anamua e pei ona molimauina e Iopu. Ae ui I le fenumia’i ma tele fesili e tau faa agava’a ai le mana alofa o le Atua Soifua.
I le tele o puapuaga e aafia ai le tagata o lo’o ola I le amiotonu a le Atua.
Na ta’utino ma molimau Iopu I le alofa tunoa o loo soli I vae o tagata.
Fa’ailoa mai I molimau a Iopu E onosa’i le alofa o le Atua. Pei ona ia fai mai “Oute iloa ma le mautinoa O Lo’o soifua lou Fa’aola”
Poo fea lava e oo iai le leaga o le lalolagi. Ia manatua o lo’o soifua Ieova “E telegese lona toasa ae tele vave lona alofa.”
O le Alofa Tunoa ua fa’aolaina ai oe ma a’u. Talia o ia I loto ma manatua E lelei Mo oe’

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Purpose; design, intention, to propose.
Uiga or mafua’aga; fuafuaaga ua fa’amautuina, fa’avae ua fa’apineina.
Design; we were designed and created by a supreme designer.
Na faia ma fausia le tagata e le poto silisili nai lo se isi lava poto o loo I le lalolagi ma le lagi..
Quote “ You were born by his purpose and for His purpose.” “Na fanau oe I le fuafuaga ua fa’amautuina e le Atua o le uiga ma mafua’aga ua na’o le Atua lava”. Rick Warren.( The purpose driven life)
Therefore the first and foremost question we should ask ourselves at the beginning of our journey in this life is, “What is God’s Purpose for my life?”
Not; What do I want for my life?
Take note: God has already knows what is best for our lives
O lona uiga o le fesili muamua lava e tatau ona tatou fesili ai, “ O le a le a uiga po’o le mafuaga a le Atua I lou olaga?.. ae aua le fesili muamua po’o le le mana’ooga o lou olaga?
In the book “The driven purpose life” Rick Warren gives out many great purpose of God in people’s lives.
O le amata o le tatou Malaga I le Atua e iloa ai le fa’asinomaga tonu ina ia maua tonu le uiga ma le mafua’aga o le tatou olaga ua uma ona tofitofia e le Silisili’ese.
Firstly: Honor and worship God alone: God is Paramount or God is Preeminent”
Career: Doctor, Teacher, Pastor, Lawer, Labourer, House wife, Politician, Factory worker, Business person, Taxi driver , bus driver, farmers, horticultures, social worker, office worker, radio n television workers. Journalist, entertainer, professional players . Etc..
The key here is If you are clear of the purpose “WHY” you are in this job? And it’s in line with the designer’s intended purpose?.. if we get these two sorted I believe we are like the tree that David sang about in (Ps 1:3)” Like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth fruit in his season his leaf shall not withered and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper”
Marriage; what is a purpose Why? Did you say "I DO"? Why did you offer your soul and spirit to bind together with another spirit.. or even control by another soul?
Why did you want children?
Education or future plans, Course: purpose?? Start a business? Start a church? Start dating for marriage?..
Question for you; What are you? Why are you doing what you are doing?
By Pstr Solia Tautai Lologa-Iosua “ELMOE.mimistry Radio Prog. Radio Samoa 1593 AM.Every Sat Morning 4am to 6am.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

sui le pani keke i le apu

Sui le panikeke I le apu (2009)
Polokalame e lelei mo oe Talofa lava.
O le tagata ua iai le mafaufau ma ua tu’u atu lona loto I le faia o se suiga ina ia faapau pauna.
Ona ua tatau ona ola lelei I le soifua maloloina o le tino.
O le upu moni e le faigofie le faatinoina o le suiga. O le amataina o faamalosi tino,
Ae maise lava le itu lea o mea taumafa. O le faatauina o mea taumafa I le toe faaleleiia o le soifua maloloina faaletino o le tagata. Tatou te mautinoa ai o le mafuaga numera tasi lea ua mama’i ai le toatele o tagata.

E afua mai I le le lelei o mea ai e aai ai, ia ma le so’ona taumamafa ua tutupu mai ai fa’ama’i  I o tatou itu tino. E pei ona ua iai nei faama’i o le mai fatu, suka, ma le kanesa ma le tele o isi faama’i ‘ese’ese ua aafi ai tagata o le lalolagi.
Ae o le upu moni e ui ina le faigofie ona faatinoina le suiga lea,  I le faalelei o lou soifua maloloina ae o se iuga lelei tele pea tumau ai ma loto iai ia fa’ataunu’uina.
Aua e ui ina manaia le lolo o mea ‘ai o lo’o fiafia iai ae ia silafia lelei o loo ui mai ai iina auala e nofo pologa ai I le olaga atoa.

Na fetagisi ma valaau atu le fanauga a Isaraelu I le Atua. Ua le lav-va nofo pologa I totonu o Aikupito.
Na silafia lelei e le Atua o lo’o iai vaivaiga o tagata Eperu o lo’o fiafia iai. Ioe o le itu tau mea ‘ai.
Na alu atu Mose ma le feau a le Atua ae faasaga ‘ae tagata Eperu fetu’u ma faifai ma su’esu’e le fia pule o Mose.
O le moni le molimau lea na atua fo’i tagata Eperu I le manava. A tatou faitau lelei I mala e iva ma lona fa’atinoina. O le fa’aleagaina lea e le Atua o le tama o aiga o Aikupito. O se ata e le gata I Aikupito ao tagata Eperu ia latou iloa o le tasi lea o tupua o lo’o taofi I totonu o o latou loto.
Tatou manatua ina ua te’a le sami ulaula o atu le nu’u o Isaraelu I le fanua e taua o Mara ua fia feinu ai maua le vai eli ae oona. Ona fetagisi lea ma faifai Mose ma fai atu toe ave matou I Aikupito e tusa lava pe pologa ae suamalie vai.
Ina ua leai ni mea I le toafa na fai ane ma fetagisi ia Mose “Aue!!!! Ana matou nonofo lava I Aikupito I le suamalie o meleni ma mea ai lanu’ese’ese. Toe ave matou matou te oti I Aikupito.
A tu’u I se isi fa’aupuga e sili lava le oti I le pologa I Aikupito ae tumu ai le manava. Oute talitonu o lo’o totele tagata fa’apena I lenei seneturi.
Ua le mafai ona talia le suiga ma le faaolataga ona o le suamalie o mea a’i o le tino.
E le faigofie le sui o le panikeke ma le keke lolo I le apu. E le faigofie le sui mai o le pisupo lolo I le salaki kapisi.
Ae o le upu moni e lelei lea mo lou soifua maloloina.
Na fa’aolaina le nuu o Isaraelu ina usita’i e fasi le mamoe ma aai ai, ma sausauina le toto I pou o faitotoa.
E le o’o ai le sala I le tagata. E pei ona o’o I Aikupito.i le mala lona sefulu
Na amata mai I le loto o’o ane ai I le manava le suiga o loto o tagata Eperu lea na talia ai le toto e faasaoina mai ai. O fea o iai lou loto I lenei aso. Afai o taumafai e fai se suiga fou ia ola maloloina ai oe ia tumau ai aua e manuia lava lona taunu’uga.
Ia faapena fo’i lou ola faale -agaga
Talia le tino ma le toto o le tama’i mamoe a le Atua na fasia e magalo ai agasala O Iesu Keriso lava lea.
Ma manatua E lelei mo oe.

Monday, October 4, 2010

D Principles ELMOe radio program

Ds Principles: Radio Program “ E Leleli Mo Oe Ministry”
D: Desire
D: Dedication
D: Determination
Determination: (noun) Determine ( verb)
Meaning: ACT- of reaching a decision
Taunu’uga o le mafaufau ma le agaga I le faia o le filifiliga matu ma fa’amaufa’ailogaina se moemitiga ia galueina ia fa’ataunu’u fuafuaga uma ua mana’o iai.

To fixed on a goal, to settle, to bound, to set the boundry.
Fa’apine le miti ma le mana’o, Ua toso lona tuaoi. Ua loka iai le agaga ma le loto ina ia tau lau o le fa’amoemoe.

Decision: to stay focus on the purpose or goal until the end regardless of obstacle:
See the whole picture and the completion of the task and plan before you reach it.

Filifiliga: ia taofi mau ma sauni faatino ala uma e tusa lava pe tiga ma faigata.

Example: Architect, Builder, Decorator.
They see the whole house and its beauty before its finished product.

DERTERMINATION: the spirit “of no going back, no reverse gear, fixed in the D drive gear
Ole agaga ua leai se solomuli, leai se kia solomuli.

3 steps to keep you going forward, 3 sitepu e tulei ai le taumafai e alualu I luma ina ia tanu’u/

1. Work with your mind and heart not just your head ( be passionate and enthusiastic) love it. (Theos/ God other two words are EN-TAE ( Theos En Tae- enthusiasm – meaning- God is within you
2. Take the extra mile, learn to do more than expected. ( become a valuable asset)

3. Excellence is excellence!!!! Job well done, be at your very best. QUALITY is your brand
Quote “ The preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today” (Elbery Hubbard).

true lfe story

True Story

At the early age of her life a beautiful confused little girl from a village of a small country of Samoa located in the Pacific Ocean. She lived her entire childhood life through nightmares of abuse and exploitation that nearly destroyed her.
The twists and turns of her life were of her own misfortunes according to the families. Hated by her money greedy uncle and troubled by a love/ hate relationship with the Grandmother .And worst of all deserted by her mother and father after birth. This is her remarkable true story of many years of hurts and confusion. She asks herself “Was it my fault”

Was It My Fault?

A glimpse of my past still leaves a scar on my aching heart. Everyday I wondered, was I to blame for all the twists and turns in my life?

The following are different scenarios in my life resulting in me always asking “was is it my fault?”

My Real Name and Place of Birth
Growing up in a rural area with my extended family, I knew so little about myself (e.g) who my real father was, where was I born and what my real name was. I was always known as Jane Samsun in my family, my village and my church until I started going to Pesega Primary School, that’s when I found out that my real name in my passport and birth certificate was Gathryn instead of Jane Samsun and I was born in our village of Landman instead of the National Hospital at Motootua. When people in my village and church found out about my true identity, they kept asking me why was I called otherwise. “ I was tired of their noisiness” so instead of answering their questions I replied back with a question of my “was it my fault?”

Name Change
My grandparents tried to legally change my name at the Registrar Office but their attempts failed because my real mother (their daughter) didn’t agree to give them custody or legal guardian of me. As a result one of my uncles got angry to both me and my mother saying “it’s a total waste of his parents time to look after me” but was it my fault that she didn’t want to sign those legal documents?

My uncle and his love for money
Speaking of my mother I didn’t have any close bonding or mother & daughter connection with her because I was living in Samoa while she was residing in Levin, Wellington. There were times I wanted to cry upon her shoulders whenever I faced difficulties to feel the warmth of her motherly love but she was distance away from me. What makes me sad the most was whenever my uncle (the same uncle who got angry at the first scenario) couldn’t get hold of my mother to send some money over, he would took out his anger on me and telling me that my mother was useless and she wasn’t thinking of our family anymore.
Was it my fault that she’s not sending money anymore? I was hurt and shed a lot of tears and as a result, I no longer wanted to stay in my own family.

Curiosity about real father
As days, months, years went by, my curiosity grew stronger and stronger of who my real father was and where he could be found thinking that I would have a father & daughter close relationship as it was impossible to reach my mother in NZ for I wasn’t told of her phone number or postal address. Searching for my father was also a failure for I was clueless. Therefore, I decided to have patient and believing that all will be revealed at the right time.

I have no father
Several years later my grandmother wished for all of her children to come to Samoa as she was dying. God provided a way for me to find my mother so I could pass on her mother’s wish and couple of days later she arrived. Exploiting the opportunity to dig out information about my real father, I courageously asked my mother what his name was, where he came from etc… when we were alone. My curiosity and courage slowly faded when she slapped my cheek and said, “E leai sou kama, ua lava ma kokoe lo’u kama e fai ma ou kama”. I was taken aback at her reaction and suspected something had went wrong in her past with him and again I asked myself “was it my fault” that he’s not around?

Grandma’s Death
Couple of weeks later, my dear grandmother passed away. We were sad and missed her greatly for all the good works and teachings she taught us and for raising us to become better individuals. One night as we were still mourning her death, my uncle got home drunk and asked for his dinner to be served immediately. I brought him his dinner but as soon as I laid it before him, he looked up at me angrily and said “you’re the reason why our mother died”. If looks could kill I would had been struck dead right there in front of him at that very moment and again I asked myself “was it my fault” that she died? Head down, shoulders hung low and tears falling, I sadly retired to bed. Remembering my one true friend who never left me no matter what I did, I knelt down to pray asking Him for His forgiveness upon my soul and for a way to set me free from the kind of life I was living. A life of fear, threatening physically, verbally and emotionally abused. My prayers were answered when I got married in 2002 and decided to move out from my family to live with my husband’s family at Moamoa.

A solution to my problems
Even though I loved my grandfather very much but my decision of moving out wouldn’t change because I’m tired of being abused and accused of things I had never done. Therefore, my husband and I came up with a strategy of how to be in contact with my grandfather ie; meeting up with him every working day at the RSA because that was his favourite place to hang out with his friends after work. Months later he had asthma attack and was advised by his doctor to cut down his drinking and smoking habits which he couldn’t because he was an addict. On 23rd December 2002, he left us to be reunited with our grandmother on the other side of the veil.

A stranger and the Big Surprise
A week later after his burial, I started working again because I was on bereavement leave and on that same day, a big surprise was waiting for me. Before going out for lunch with my work mates on that same day, our Central Operation office called me there’s someone who wanted to see me outside. Walking outside to see who it was, I saw only one man standing outside. He’s muscular built, fair with reddish brown hair wearing a brown cargo shorts with a Hawaiian aloa shirt to match and holding a laptop on hand. My first impression of him was that he was a tourist probably wanting to reconfirm his return flight to whichever country he came from, but the fact he knew my name remained a mystery. Being so polite as usual, I asked him how I could of any help to him. He was gazing at me for quite a long time which made me nervous and uncomfortable. Finally he was able to utter his first words “Are you Ga.......?” I replied “yes” then there was a long pause. My heart was pounding really fast trying to capture my memory wether I had seen this face before somewhere but the reply was a negative. I was puzzled, but then he finally said those words which I had longed to hear when I was a child “you may not know me or have heard of me, my name is T..... L....... Seeing you face to face is more than enough to prove that you are my flesh and blood, no need for any DNA test.”
Hearing these words from a stranger didn’t excite me because that yearning I had as a child was long gone and all that matters to me now was becoming a strong successful woman and to have a happy marriage. But this man claiming to be my biological father, just stirred up my ugly past which I had very much preferred to leave untouched and buried for as long as I live. What else he had said I didn’t hear because I was lost in my own world of anger, confusion and wondering why now? Would it make a difference to the kind of life I was living?

My perspective
My perspective was that he probably knew about my mother’s situation (that she was pregnant with me), but he denied it was his. Maybe he was having another woman in his life which might be the answer to my mother’s reaction when I asked her for the very first time of who my father was. Therefore, no matter how hard he tried to convince me that he wasn’t at fault putting all the blame on my mother of what had happened in the past, I didn’t buy it quite easily. I would be very stupid to accept everything fast, without hearing my mother’s side of the story first, wouldn’t I?

Can’t buy Trust and Love over night
He was in Samoa for 3weeks and he would probably noticed that I wasn’t close to him and didn’t have any intention of getting to know him more because I received an email from him stating “daughter, I’m looking forward to the day you’re going to call me ‘dad’ instead of my real name and I want to make up for all these years of your life I missed out on” It’s good in a way that I now know about him so I could tell my 2nd and 3rd generation but calling him ‘dad’ is another issue for me. Building trust, friendship and love doesn’t happen over night, does it? And am I at fault for not allowing him so suddenly into my life?

I was just an innocent child who got caught up in the adults world of misery and whose feelings and emotions weren’t counted as important by my own family who thought they had the right to blame me for their misfortunes and those who thought could bring sunshine to my cloudy days.
To answer my own recurring question “Was It My Fault?” I strongly state “NO IT WAS NOT MY FAULT.”

I was given permission by the writer to publish her story, the real name of the writer is being conceal for her protection..Thanks for visiting my blog.Pstr Solia

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Solo tete'e

Solo tete’e
Polokalame E Lelei Mo oe Talofa lava.
Na ou matamata I solo tete’e ma ou fa’alogo I fa’atalatalanoaga I manatu fa’aalia ma le mafuaaga o le Solo Tete’e.
Ona o le tatau ona mauluga totogi aua “ O matou o tagata faigaluega lelei ma o le totogi lelei e taui lea e tatau ai ma le galuega lea e fai.
Na faamanatu mai I lou mafaufau se matanu o se tasi o faifeau.
E fa’apea o tagata uma e faatalitali  I le aso totogi payday.
E leai se tagata e maua mai lona totogi ona alu loa lea I le pule ma faalalolalo iai ma fai atu I le pule ,
Faafetai bozz I lenei totogi , tate fefe e ave aua tate lei iloa e  maua mai se nei totogi aua o ai a’u nei ua e totogi ail au galuega.
Afai e alu faapena se tagata I lana pule pe a maua le totogi. E fa’apea le pule o le tagata lea pe iai se fa’aletonu I le mafaufau.
Aua o le totogi o le galuega o loo e galue ai e le o se mea alofa o le totogi e tatau ai ma lau galuega.
Na saini ai lau konekarate, na e malie I le totogi ao lei galue. O lona uiga o le totogi o le galuega e le ose totogi I le alofa ae ..o le totogi o lau tautua.

Ae o le tama o aiga o le Malo ole  Atua e iai lona eseesega. E leai se konekarate e sainia ma le Atua I le totogi.
A vaai I le itu fa’aleagaga. O le totogi e tatau ai o le oti ona o le agasala.
O le upu moni e matu’ai gau lava tatou. Leai se fa’amoemoe e fa’avavau.
Leai se lelei, leai se amiotonu I totonu o tatou tagata e onomea ma tatau ai se totogi I le amiotonu.
E tutusa uma le tulaga o tagata I luma o le silafaga a le Atua pe amio lelei pe amio le lelei..
O lona uiga e leai se tagata e iai se ai a tatau e solo tete’e ai ina ia sili lona totogi nai le isi tagata.

Ia faafetaia le Atua , ona o Iesu Keriso ua ta’uamiotonuina  ai tagata uma ..O tagata uma e omai I le Atua ma loto maualalo ma faamoemoe I le alofa tunoa..e totogi ai agasala..Ae le o galuega e faia.. “Ua ta’uaniotonu ina I tatou I le faatuatua ua tatou lelei ai ma le Atua.( Roma 5:1)
O le tagata o loo fia faalelei I le Atua I lona malosi ma lona lelei ..O lena ete solo tete’e I le Atua.
Ua totogi e Iesu o tatou agasala uma..
Ia talia ma alofa ia te Ia e te ola ai.Ma manatua “E lelei Mo oe”